Resiliency In Action:
How Schools, Families, and Communities Build “Bounce-Back Kids”

In this training (which can be condensed into a keynote or workshop format), participants thoroughly examine the research base of resiliency that is emerging from the fields of psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and education. The emphasis of the training is practical application of these research findings in strategies that can be used to move children and youth “from risk to resiliency.” Examples of practices and programs that are building resiliency are shared. The training includes interactive activities to be used to assist youth to identify and celebrate their personal resiliency and understand how they can be more resilient in the future.



The research foundation of resiliency:
Where has it comes from?
How does resiliency happen?
Shifting the balance from risk to resiliency

Connecting the research to children you are concerned about:
Using the “Resiliency Chart”
Identifying and increasing Personal Resiliency Builders
Creating a resiliency-building environment
Using the “Resiliency Wheel” as a tool for resiliency building

The “Four Most Important Steps to Fostering Resiliency”


Video examples of resiliency-building in action

Interactive activities for teaching about and celebrating personal resiliency–

The power of One Person to foster resiliency

Learning Objectives. As a result of this training, participants will:

1. Understand the research basis of the emerging resiliency/positive youth development framework.
2. Explain how this research shows that one-to-one interactions are the most potent
change agents in young people’s lives.
3. Identify the four most important steps to building resiliency.
4. Acquire several activities that can be used to help others identify and build personal resiliency.
5. Employ several strategies in work with children and youth to “build resiliency.”