Using the Resiliency Wheel in Crisis Intervention

The Resiliency Wheel provides an effective framework for crisis intervention with students.
Resiliency Wheel

Caring and support: Listen to students’ concerns and answer their questions in direct, factual, age-appropriate ways. (Be careful of giving TOO MUCH information, especially with younger children.)
High expectationsExpress your certainty that students can cope with the situation and faith in their strength and inner resources.
Opportunities for participation: Help students come up with ways they can address the crisis themselves: i.e., raising money, sending cards and letters, forming a Peace Club.
Prosocial bonding: Provide students with positive activities to do together that give them a sense of purpose and mastery in the situation.
Clear, consistent boundaries: Strike a balance between addressing concerns and getting back to a normal schedule. Young people need the safety of familiar rules and routines.
Life skillsEncourage students to communicate their thoughts and feelings. (But balance is again the key: Don’t let the talk escalate and overwhelm students).

For more information on crisis response and counseling, check out these web sites:

SAMHSA: (click on “crisis counseling”)
U.S. Department of Education:
UCLA: (select topics of “Crisis Prevention and Response, “Grief and Bereavement” or “Post-Traumatic Stress”)